Using Goal Setting to Increase Productivity, non-sworn 8 hours

Goal setting is a basic and essential skill that all staff can develop. But, it seems people do not set goals. Either they don’t know how or they don’t fully understand the impact well-defined goals can have on their life. Goal setting is a robust tool that can change the course of a person’s work life and personal life dramatically. What makes a good goal? This course teaches the characteristics of a solid goal, how to manage time so the goal can be reached, creating and managing the to-do list, and how to regain your motivation when you suffer from a setback. This course provides the knowledge and skills for participants to complete more tasks and get more work done. This course covers strategies to help participants overcome procrastination; skills that translate into increased satisfaction in their professional and personal lives. Participants learn the skills that successful people know about goals and in turn will become happier and more productive individuals.